Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995)

This is a tribute page dedicated to the thinker Gilles Deleuze.
Below you can find links to his major works in chronological order and the year they were published in their original French version.
Selected bibliography
[1962] Nietzsche and Philosophy
[1963] Kant's Critical Philosophy
[1968] Difference and Repetition
[1972] Anti-Oedipus with Félix Guattari
[1980] A Thousand Plateaus with Félix Guattari
[1986] Foucault
[1992] Postscript on the Societies of Control
[1994] What is Philosophy? with Félix Guattari
[2002] Desert Islands and Other Texts (1953-1974)
[1988-1989] L'Abécédaire with Claire Parnet